In the midst of a culture that’s all about making it big, I feel the need to honor obscurity. I’m spelunking through deep caverns inside myself and taking a look at the gem-like crystals hanging where no one sees them. You have them too. Those places down under that you may or may not visit. In rare moments, a very close friend or someone with keen spiritual vision gets a glimpse. Whether yet perceived or not, wealth and deep treasure are kept by God, hidden.
This past year, God took me underground exploring to show me roots inside – good and bad. He gave me glimpses of some of the inner workings of my heart and mind. Fascinating. Imagine if you could shrink enough to take an inside tour of your body – all the systems of life, little clogs, rivers of oxygen. So complex. Same with mind and heart. There’s so much space behind the scenes!
With that in mind, I think of the Master Plan – the unfolding design for us into eternity. We barely sneak-peek now. Imagine if we actually noticed when a forever-life seed dropped into us. Imagine how much tending and protecting God is doing. Imagine a whole world of darkness intent on putting out sputtering faith-candles, and how the angels are circling wings around our tiny flickers. Imagine God actually letting us in on some of what He’s doing and personally coaching us through growth, teaching us discernment, and sharpening our spirits to accurately observe and act.
I think of the command – “Walk by the Spirit” (Gal. 5:16). Jesus nuzzled Nicodemus toward spirit perception. Paul says our natural minds cannot perceive things of the Spirit – in fact, our natural minds are hostile. As much as we try to understand and define God, as much as it may be useful to study His character, attributes, and ways; we still will not rightly perceive unless by His Spirit.
That Spirit is at work in you! The One who tattooed your heart with His Love doesn’t “break up.” He sticks with you. He started the whole pursuit, and He covers for you over and over and over, constantly.
What does this have to do with obscurity? Everything. The richest, most glorious treasures in us are hidden! We are hidden in Christ, and all we will be is inside that hiding place. We may get little glimpses as eternity seeds spring to life in us. We may feel lots of activity, see little sprouts coming up, or perhaps even witness stable trees bearing fruit in our garden. All of this is by the Spirit, which means that only spiritual eyes will accurately see. We may go through long seasons of feeling unseen and unknown. But the Spirit is busy at work.
Pause. Breathe. Notice. Hidden in you are treasures. Jesus owns them and has all the timing for their development in His hands. He is communing with you in secret places and mining, perfecting, and storing Royal treasure. You are the “for the joy set before Him.” You are part of His lengthy glory show for the spiritual realms. He has the living script. His tenderness is covering you. Obscurity is cloaking His treasure in you.
“Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be.” 1 John 3:2
Great blog!