Poetry Response to Psalm 31

I’m in a class where the Psalms are taught in actual story context or alongside a text that closely resembles the elements in that Psalm. Psalm 31 was our last to study. I thought my response poetry was out of context and probably pretty bad. But it spoke to people in the class, so I’m sharing it in case it resonates.

Dear David,
You make me tired.
God makes you tired.
Shall we all be tired together?
You had a king promise;
I’m just a daughter.
We both wait.
You lived with heaven’s spotlight on you.
Do I?
You’re able to voice.
I groan.
Our meeting place is song.
Can I use your words?
Jeremiah’s face-plant fits better.


God, I’m waiting,
Living temporary,
Fitting nowhere.

Your companionship
Is my anchor.
Only You know me.

Timeless Engineer,
Unwreck my soul.
Reclaim; redefine.

You prefer honesty
To a pretend anthem.
I love You for this.

Plant in my dust
New Creation.
You’re my home.


  1. This is so beautiful, Christi. So thankful for the gift of expression the Lord has implanted within you. Keep writing. Keep growing. Keep pondering!

  2. Christi,
    I love your raw honesty and how you speak directly to King David. That’s Bold.
    You’re in a waiting place that’s unfolding, grass blade by grass blade. Steady.
    I love, Love, love how your longing for a Home has sent you deeper into the heart of God.
    Keep writing. I love what you and Holy Spirit Create.

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